I love fish. Watching their graceful ballet in water just relaxes me. Even when I'm dog tired and just stopping by the aquarium to turn off the light for the night, so often I ease into the big overstuffed living room chair, mesmerized by the multicolored water dancers for a few minutes of calm and serenity. Sometimes they even make me laugh at their antics.
My new grandaughter, Maddie is destined to share this love. At nearly ten months old, she is transfixed by this aquatic show each time I tenderly place her into the big chair with Gigi. We share an eternal moment there that will bind us for life to these delightful creatures called fish.
Maddie doesn't have her own aquarium...yet. But with the help of http://www.petsmart.com/ and a wonderful blogsite called TWO OF A KIND WORKING ON A FULL HOUSE at http://www.twoofakindworkingonafullhouse.com Miss Madison may just have a chance to win a bowfront ten gallon aquarium from petsmart for her play room. Oh how she would love that.
Then the dance would be part of her daily escape, instead of just an occasional moment at Gigi's.