Today's the day. I'd promised myself THIS summer I'd go
through every cupboard in my kitchen, well all through the house is my true goal,and organize and purge. But you have to start somewhere. Today I've been in the kitchen.
Sorting out Tupperware lids and matching and purging those wasn't such a chore. But then came the dishes. See, I'm kind of a sucker for a one-of-a-kind, on-the-clearance-rack-at-Pottery-Barn-or-an-estate-sale dish or bowl that has a personality that smiles at me. And right now there are a lot of mismatched smiles trying to win me over to avoid the Yard Sale box.
I get side-tracked easily, too. Especially when I have to find another box or wash up old glassware or (yuk!) de-grease the microwave hood. I've steeled myself toward this task of saying goodbye to old dish friends and the memories of other days when lounging over lunch with friends justified having such cute little couples of this dish and that little bowl. Sigh. I'm in a sadly different season and though I always intend to pick up the phone and get some girls together for lunch, I find myself doing summer chores instead....like this purging and parting.
Oh well, maybe when I have my yard sale some younger version of me will be delighted to find a little treasure. She'll never have my memories. Those stay here--they were too good and went away too soon. I know I'll be thinking as I pack these away about the little Bible study times with our toddlers around our feet, the sweet luncheons trying new recipes, the special women who have graced my table over the years and enjoyed those dishes with me. Such blessings!
Oh bother, I see the box I came up here for...so it's back to packing. I'm thinking of friends like you as I organize. Shouldn't we have lunch soon?
Oh how I would love to do just that, Myra. And to peruse your yard sale knowing that each item was loved not for being something tangible, but for the intangible joy it brought. We are waiting to hear on our bid to buy our first home - yes, we've owned before - but not a house, not with a yard, not with a deck and a garage and a garden. And as I look forward to that I think of all these things you've mentioned, lunches with friends, Bible studies, kids around at my feet. And I think, and I pray - I hope I'm not past that point in life just yet. Save a dish for me. I'll trade a rock for it!
Deal. And how I miss your kindred easy spirit. I will join you in praying that this season is still ahead for you. Any prospects??? Loving you miles away and saving a little dish! When is your son leaving my area?
Helloooooo...slightly younger version right here. At least when it come to the dish sickness. I would give them a good home AND you can come visit them sometimes!
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