Surprises. I don't like them. Snowflakes in October. The principal in my room. My period 3 days early. None of that. I've really disliked that on-the-spot anxiety that rises from being the center of attention at a surprise party thrown for you. And then there are the big life-changing ones. Whatever they are, I guess I don't like surprises at all.
I wonder if anyone does.
I prefer to be in control.
In my life, God has been gracious with the severity of surprises. I certainly haven't had to handle surprise illness like one of my dear friends. Or the surprise loss of a job like my husband and many other acquaintances. But when I look at the surprises God has allowed, I do see His presence holding my hand in each one...reminding me He is near, "breathe and grow" seeping from His Lips to my ears.
OK, Lord, I am breathing. Help me grow.
Not even NICE surprises?! Like the sun breaking through the clouds when they were calling for rain; or a hundred humming birds landing on your hands; maybe finding out the very thing you were shopping for is on sale; or a boat trip through a fjord of icebergs in the middle of no where? =)
I most definitely like the nice surprises: like a beloved friend from the past suddenly sending you an email and wanting to renew a friendship; and a bouquet of flowers arriving for your birthday ;) ; or finding out it's customer appreciation day at the coffee stand & they give you a free mocha!
I'm with you though on not liking the bad surprises and being at the center of attention. I like that reminder and image you have shared, "breathe & grow." Reminds me of two songs, "You are Near," and "Breathe." Thanks! May you be abundantly blessed in His love today.
Hello Myra, it's me Evanyl. I agree with the surprises. There are many surprises that are wonderful, like a store being open late at night to get Sanniyah's cereal and flowers from my hubby. The surprises with sickness and death and others that you feel are not happening at the right time or in the right order do stink. I am a true believer that everything happens for a reason and we might not know right away "WHY?" but one soon discovers what and why things happen in a surprising matter. Sometimes when things are planned or you want it planned they never happen because other things do come up; therefore, there are surprises that God allows to happen. Breathing is definitely a good way to settle the anxiety and prayer. May God Bless!
Evanyl, I agree. It took until today until I was brave enough to come back to my writing self and begin to write again after that shocking SURPRISE day. But I thank you for reminding me with your friendship each day that surprises to me don't surprise or make smaller my mighty GOD. Love you, dear friend!
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