I am a serious and sober-mindedly bent person. And because of it, I've always been mindful of protocul and decorum...and equally drawn to those who can let fly in the face of it.
Weddings should be meaningful. And happy.
Pastor Suler said at R and P's that it "should not be entered into lightly or unadvisedly." I agree. Theirs wasn't. But look into their faces here. They also know it will take some lightheartedness. It took me about 15 years into my own marriage to start to grasp that!
If you were part of their wedding day, you know they have mountains in front of them, like many newlyweds. A baby soon. New jobs. A cozy apartment. Trying to find a new church congregation that will embrace them and be their heart family. I pray. And I smile. God is good. SOOOO GOOOOD. He will be there in it. That's enough.
Rachel and Peter look so happy. Don't you wish we could bottle that happiness and pull it out on the days when life gets tough. Such a wonderful time for the two of them and for you and Ken. Our children may not always make the decisions we hope for them, but Rachael has a wonderful mom and dad who gave (and still give)her a strong foundation and love for the Lord. Peter is such a lucky guy to have a girl as great as Rachel and in-laws that model a Christian marriage for him. Blessings to you all.
Thank you, Nancy. See why I miss you. It WAS a beautiful day God gave us all. Such a blessing, and many people said it that day. May our very days continue to honor Him. Love you, dear! Let's connect soon!!!
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