Surprises. I don't like them. Snowflakes in October. The principal in my room. My period 3 days early. None of that. I've really disliked that on-the-spot anxiety that rises from being the center of attention at a surprise party thrown for you. And then there are the big life-changing ones. Whatever they are, I guess I don't like surprises at all.
I wonder if anyone does.
I prefer to be in control.
In my life, God has been gracious with the severity of surprises. I certainly haven't had to handle surprise illness like one of my dear friends. Or the surprise loss of a job like my husband and many other acquaintances. But when I look at the surprises God has allowed, I do see His presence holding my hand in each one...reminding me He is near, "breathe and grow" seeping from His Lips to my ears.
OK, Lord, I am breathing. Help me grow.